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The world has gone Nuts! Wet Walnuts

Its that time of year, but this year with all the rain, nuts are abundant. Their full flavours, & there to add texture to your dishes, make just downright amazing ingredients for so many things. I feel for those that are allergic because this time of year supplies flavours lost when nuts not fresh from the tree are dried, and their flavours leave you wanting and setting reminders for next year.

Nuts are confusing. They are classed as a fruit, have an inedible hard shell and hide a seed!!!! Yep that seed is our NUT. Whilst fruits naturally free themselves from their shells, Nuts are a little less adventurous and like to remain cosy in their shell which as it hardens provides a nurturing environment for that nut. Whilst its maturing in size its flavour is also evolving into something that if picked at the correct time of year can not be matched.

"Just for the record, Coconuts are not classed as nuts, and whilst I would urge any allergy sufferers to get checked properly first, after working with several nut allergy clients, all are able to eat coconut "

The walnut for example, has been around for eating since 7000 BC. Being one of my absolute favourites, and right now with October approaching, I know I will have a window of maybe ten days to get scouring the floor and do some NUT scrumping from neighbours gardens who, quite literally leave their summer gardens and abandon the crown jewels for me to go and quietly give a nice home.

If you have never tasted a "WET" walnut then I urge you to do it as soon as possible and not miss out any longer. Supermarkets and local street markets will have them for sale in the up and coming weeks. Look for literally the wet looking damp shells and expect them to be a little more expensive than the dried. Crack open that shell carefully as the nut inside is delicate and requires just a little more work. The pale brown skin will peel off and you will be left with a perfect white nut. This nut will be yours forever, trust me, its delicious.

Chestnuts, roasted are another amazing treat and not to be left just for Christmas, and those Autumn Cob nuts are also on shop shelves. The cob-nut does not need to be peeled as the skin does not have that bitter taste or much texture, so its easier pickings.

Pistachios, Pecans and Almonds are all Autumnal nuts where ever you may be in the world and all provide that warm healthy feeling needed to kick start our winters that lie ahead.

We all know that nuts are nutrient dense and a fabUlous food source, so I am going to include on my recipe pages some ideas to incorporate these beauties into your diet. Its not rocket science, its easy simple steps that make food easy and yet more flavour intense whilst providing great dietary balance. My black bean burgers are always a hit, even for any meat eater, so have a look at my site & try for yourself.

Give it a go, GO NUTS!

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